Colleen Barclay, President
Colleen is a Level 3 Italian Teacher at Lesmurdie PS. She is passionate about using ICT in Languages and implementing the cross-curriculum priority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures in Languages. She has presented at both state and national conferences. She is a Curriculum Support Teacher for Primary Languages: Italian. She is a passionate state school teacher who as a Level 3 teacher is always willing to help other teachers to improve student outcomes.
Margo Whittle, Vice President
Margo Whittle has been interested in Japan since learning Japanese at school and visiting Nagoya as an exchange student. She studied Japanese at university and later became a teacher with a passion for teaching Japanese to children of all abilities from PrePrimary to Year 6 at multiple worksites. She continually seeks new challenges to engage students and to integrate their Japanese language skills with technology. She has led student tours to Japan and enjoys networking with others who are interested in learning about Japan and its culture. As a Level 3 Classroom teacher she looks for opportunities to promote Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia as a cross-curriculum priority, and the learning of the Japanese language. She is the school leader for Connect and the Communicate with Japan project at Yuluma Primary and a Primary Schools Japanese Language Support Teacher. As a committee member of the L3CTA, she is always ready to hear from colleagues and offer support.
Natalie Blewitt, Treasurer

Melissa Peden, Minutes Secretary
Melissa Peden is an experienced primary school teacher and has taught across a range of year levels. She achieved her Level 3 Classroom Teacher status in 2018 and has undertaken a variety of leadership roles. Her current Level 3 Classroom Teacher role is English coordinator, and her priority is to support staff with resources and evidence-based strategies. Her dedication to teaching and the public school system is evidenced by her active membership of the State School Teachers’ Union of Western Australia (SSTUWA) and she enthusiastically represents her colleagues as a branch representative. In addition to serving as a committee member for the L3CTA, she is a member of the ECU Education Alumni committee.
Michelle Murphy, Committee Member

Danielle Santoro, Committee Member
Danielle is c
urrently a Level 3 Classroom Teacher at Wanneroo Secondary College. She teaches across all learning areas at Joondalup Senior School, a senior school engagement program for Year 11 & 12 students. Prior to this Danielle has acted in several middle management roles including Assistant Student Services Manager and Head of Learning Area (Humanities). Danielle is currently the Executive Officer of the West Coast Curriculum Collaborative.
Danielle successfully became a L3CT in 2018. Danielle’s passion is engaging students to become independent, successful learners. Danielle also enjoys professional learning and sharing this with others.
She has led her school in many whole school initiatives including the implementation and facilitation of Professional Learning Communities and the been the lead facilitator of the IDEAS (Innovative Design for Enhancing Achievement in Schools).

Tanya Ramakrishnan, Committee Member