You are invited to take part in a research project by the Griffiths University Queensland about changes in teaching and learning practices due to COVID-19 precautionary measures. The impact of teaching and learning is global, urgent and are likely to alter education practices from this point onwards. This is a time of rapid innovation, novel […]
Connect with us!
Check out the social media links at the bottom of the page! Whether you are already a Level 3 Classroom Teacher, have just submitted your Stage 1 Portfolio or are simply flirting with the idea of maybe engaging in the process – we would love to hear from you! Our Association is committed to creating […]
In My Blood It Runs
Check out this great website offering professional learning and education programs around the film “In My Blood It Runs”. A key goal in the campaign is to make Australian schools more culturally safe for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The website offers free viewing options for schools, free study guides, virtual school excursions, and […]